- Jun 17, 2018“Smallest to Greatest” Mark 4: 26-34 NIV
- Jun 10, 2018“Grace, Thanks, and Glory” 2 Corinthians 4: 13-5: 1
- Jun 3, 2018“Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy” Deuteronomy 5: 12-15 NIV
- May 20, 2018“You’ve Got a Friend in Me” John 15: 9-17 NIV
- May 13, 2018“The Ascension of the Lord” Luke 24: 44-53 NIV
- May 6, 2018“Marriage Dance” 1 Samuel 1: 1-20
- Apr 29, 2018“Bear Fruit and Glorify the Father” Acts 8: 26-40 NIV
- Apr 22, 2018“The Good Shepherd Knows His Sheep” John 10: 11-18 NIV
- Apr 15, 2018“Repentance to Him” Luke 24: 36b-38 NIV
- Apr 8, 2018“Blessed Are Those Who Believe” John 20: 19-31 NIV
- Apr 1, 2018“Who Will Roll the Stone?” |Easter Sunday | Mark 16: 1-8
- Mar 25, 2018“Hosanna in the Highest” Mark 11: 1-11 (NIV)
- Mar 18, 2018“A Troubled Soul” John 12: 20-33 (NIV)
- Mar 11, 2018“The Gospel in Miniature” John 3: 14-21 (NIV)
- Mar 5, 2018“Zeal for YOUR House” John 2: 13-22 (NIV)
- Feb 25, 2018“Why Must the Son Suffer?” Mark 8: 31-38 (NIV)
- Feb 18, 2018“The Wilderness” Mark 1: 9-15 (NIV)
- Feb 11, 2018“The Transfiguration of our Lord” Mark 9: 2-9 (NIV)
- Feb 4, 2018“He Went to a Deserted Place” Mark 1: 29-39 (NIV)
- Jan 28, 2018“His Fame Spread from Galilee” Mark 1: 21-28 (NIV)